Home » Visa Service » Student Visa in Bangkok (Non-Immigrant ED Visa)

Student Visa in Bangkok (Non-Immigrant ED Visa)

Bangkok, Thailand
4.6 (0 reviews)

The Student Visa in Bangkok

The page presents all options for obtaining a student visa in Bangkok. You can choose the option with or without learning.

ED visa is obtained by foreign guests who have an intention to study in Thailand. Language school staff will fill in all the necessary papers. This type of visa requires extension every 90 days, the price includes all extensions during the year. Now ED visa is issued for a year from the moment of the last entry into the country, that is, the countdown starts from the moment of entry into the country, so if you entered with a 30-day stamp, the visa is issued for 11 months, if you entered with a 90-day stamp, the visa is issued for 9 months.

Prices for obtaining a student visa in Bangkok

Other visa services can be viewed here.

Frequently Asked Questions about student visa

1. How many times do I have to prolong the student visa?

The student visa can be prolonged three times (every three months). The school will prepare all the necessary paperwork and assist with the extension.

2. Is it possible that I might have any problems in the Immigration Bureau while extending the visa?

The language school usually prepares all the documents, so it is very unlikely that you will have any problems or difficulties. However, if you have any questions, you can always contact you school and ask for help.

3. How does the visa look like?

A student visa is a print with a hologram and a stamp on a passport page.

4. Does student visa allow to leave Thailand and return?

Yes, but you have to get a re-entry stamp in the Office of Immigration Bureau, and a student card and a school certificate from your school. You need to return to Thailand before the date of the next extension (it will be indicated in the passport), otherwise the visa loses its validity.

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